Purpose For education only (Vidya Bhavishya)
 Repayment Tenure 15 Years
 Rate of interest 

 Collateral security unto 200% -  9.75% *

 Collateral security above 200% -  9.25% *
 Surety Minimum one guarantor with sufficient net worth.
 Security Mortgage of unencumbered immovable property belonging to the applicant situated within the jurisdiction of the Bank. In case of direct finance, it should be situated within the territorial jurisdiction of the Branch from where the loan is availed.
 Margin Min of 15%
 Other Terms Membership is necessary for the borrower and sureties to avail this loan.
 * Floating rate of interest
  Minimum SIBIL Score 600


0824 - 2421369, 2445742

MCC Bank Ltd
Hampankatta, Mangalore - 575001

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