Who can open savings Account |
Note : Nomination Facility is available. |
Initial deposit at opening of account |
Minimum amount of just Rs. 1000/-. Minimum amount of Rs. 1000/- for cheque book facility. |
Rate of interest | 3.00% The interest will be paid at rates applicable for the period of deposit as prescribed under the Reserve Bank of India's rules/directives/guidelines from time to time and fixed by the Bank. |
Rate of Interest for SSB A/c maintaining above Rs. 1,00,000/- | 5.00% The interest will be paid at rates applicable for the period of deposit as prescribed under the Reserve Bank of India's rules/directives/guidelines from time to time and fixed by the Bank. |
Cheque Book facility |
Will be provided to the account holder who maintains a minimum balance of Rs.1000/-. First CTS cheque book will be provided free of cost, subsequent cheque book will be charged |
Passbook | No charge will be applicable for the passbook issued to the depositor on account opening. |
Duplicate passbook | Duplicate passbook will be issued on payment of applicable charges. |
NEFT/RTGS facility | NEFT/RTGS facility available |
Demand Draft Facility | Demand Draft Facility available |
Documents required for opening the accounts |
Note : Aadhar card is mandatory to open account |